The SIOT4ES is a two-day conference and this year it will be held from 10 to 11 December 2022 as part of the Entrepreneurship Week of IEEE Region 8.

The conference aims to inform students, professionals and citizens on the fields of energy, telecommunications and IoT, promoting of current research and ultimately the mobilization to engage with relevant issues.

At the same time, various sessions will be held with the aim of supporting start-ups and presenting new innovative ideas.

The IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Committee is an endeavor started in 2018 and led by the IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals team aimed at the segment of existing and potential members that comprise the Entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The end-goal of this Initiative is three-folded: to strengthen the knowledge of our young entrepreneurs by providing them mentorship, boosting their network by putting them on with the relevant stakeholders and getting them global exposure by sponsoring their participation in Summits and other Entrepreneurship events of the kind.

We believe that IEEE encompasses a unique strength in this domain considering the technical foundations of the organization and has the ability to shape an innovative and impactful entrepreneurship endeavor.